Wednesday, September 17, 2008

sorry this update took so long. ever since viacom's death grip was released from my throat I've been searching for what to do with my life. Yesterday I woke up super early got a little shitty and went to the XM studios to see Opie and Anthony. I was hoping something crazy would happen that I could talk about on the podcast. Turns out, that really didn't go down. But it's a great intro to our 4th episode:

episode 4: The Beautiful Awkwardness That Follows

just so we're clear here let's talk about how the OMNICHIRP schedule is looking now of these days.

new episodes go up late night Monday morning so our subscribers can sync up on Tuesday morning for their awful commute into their dead end jobs. (We're here for you!)Tuesday morning we'll put it up on the blog with the show notes and all that fun. Then if we have a MINICHIRP it will go up late Thursday for your early morning FRIDAY SYNC. Friday we will mention it on the blog but NOT post it here. You know, you got to be a subscriber on iTunes to get the super secret good stuff.

Now that we have that taken care of. Let's talk about the most recent show:

Uh, yeah. It's a played topic and we go off on it.

Bro time. You know, when dudes get together to hang out.

Ira Glass joins us in the Chirp Studios as we discuss his and other NPR programs.


tushfestival said...

I'd like to add this:

Also would like to add that even though you said "if" we have a minichirp it will go up on Thursday night, I think you meant we'll pretty much always have a minichirp up then so HURRY UP AND SUBSCRIBE AND TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS.

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